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Dmitri Teperik

Dmitri Teperik

ICDS Chief Executive

From 2007 to 2015, Dmitri Teperik worked at the Estonian Ministry of Defence, where he was in charge of defence-related research, industry and development, serving as Estonian national coordinator at the NATO Science and Technology Organization and promoting Estonia’s role in security-related cooperation projects at the European Commission and the European Defence Agency (EDA). Teperik led the launch of a security-related development programme aimed at young ethnic Russians in Estonia, called Sinu Riigi Kaitse (Defence of Your Country), the main purpose being to strengthen social cohesiveness by promoting the development of Estonian national identity among young Russian-speakers. Areas of expertise: informational and psychological resilience; Russian infl uence activities in Estonia and Ukraine; interdependencies between communication and behaviour; Ukraine’s national security and resilience.
Updated: May 13, 2020
