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Przymyslaw Źurawski vel Grajewski

Przymyslaw Źurawski vel Grajewski

Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland

Prof. Przemysław Źurawski vel Grajewski is the advisor for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. Since 1987 a researcher and an academic teacher of the University of Łódź. In 1992 employed with the Ministry of National Defense of Poland. 1995-1996 - in the Office of the Undersecretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for European Integration and Foreign Assistance. 1996-2001 in the European Institute in Łódź. 2005–2006 – Contemporary agent of the EPP-ED - an expert on Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine in the European Parliament. Since 2013 an expert in Piotr Glinski team and and a member of the PiS (Law and Justice) Programming Council. Since 2015 a coordinator of the Security & Defense Section in the National Council of Development at the President of Poland.
Updated: May 10, 2017