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Luigi Sergio Germani

Director of Gino Germani Institute for Social Sciences and Strategic Studies

Luigi Sergio Germani is the scientific director of the Gino Germani Institute of Social Sciences and Strategic Studies, a think tank in Rome committed to the defence and renewal of liberal democracy. Mr Germani focuses on Russian domestic and foreign policy, disinformation, hybrid warfare strategies, organised crime, and Russian intelligence services. He also specialises in the study of intelligence and its role in protecting democratic states. Some of his recent publications are Bugie di Guerra: la disinformazione russa dall’Unione Sovietica all’Ucraina [Lies of war: Russian disinformation from the Soviet Union to Ukraine] (Paesi Edizioni, 2022) and Dezinformatsya and Active Measures: Russian Strategic Narratives on NATO, Western Foreign and Security Policies and Nuclear War Risks (G. Germani Institute, 2023).
Updated: April 6, 2014