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LMC 2013

The North-South Split – Managing a New World Order

The sixth Lennart Meri Conference, entitled “The North-South Split – Managing a New World Order” examined the impact on Europe and the wider transatlantic community of the shift in the distribution of global influence and responsibility as new powers rise.

Globally, the South’s growing economic power is being complemented by greater political and military weight, challenging the 20th century model of the primacy of the northern countries; while for Europe, the US pivot towards Asia demands a thorough reassessment of the distribution of burdens within the transatlantic alliance and of the continent’s role in global affairs.

At the same time, Europe is feeling the effects of political, economic, and cultural divisions between its own north and south, and its east and west.

The conference featured frank discussions on topical issues related to the rise of Asia and the challenges this poses to the established powers of the north, transatlantic relations, the future of NATO and the EU, political shifts within Europe, the EU’s eastern partners, cyber security, and developments in Central-Asia, the Middle East, Afghanistan and Russia.

Alongside the conference programme, our guests had opportunities to tour Tallinn’s old town or to choose from other excursions such as a tour of the seaplane hangars of the Estonian Maritime Museum, a visit to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, or a visit to the ICT Demo Center. They were also able to enjoy a cultural programme.