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Mark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti

Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI

Dr Mark Galeotti is an Honorary Professor at UCL SSEES and a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague. He also runs his own small consultancy, Mayak Intelligence. He read history at Robinson College Cambridge and took his doctorate in government at the LSE, and has since been head of history at Keele University, a Senior Research Fellow with the Foreign Offi ce, professor of global affairs at New York University, and a visiting professor at Rutgers-Newark (Newark, NJ), Charles University (Prague) and MGIMO (Moscow). A specialist in Russian security and international politics, Dr Galeotti is also a prolifi c author, and his most recent books are We Need To Talk About Putin (Ebury, 2019), Russian Political War (Routledge, 2019), Kulikovo 1380 (Osprey, 2019) and The Vory: Russia’s super mafi a (Yale, 2018), the last of which has now been licensed for translation into 13 languages.
Updated: May 15, 2019