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LMC 2018

Eighteen Months of Trump Foreign Policy: Right Direction Wrong Track?

U.S. Foreign Policy under President Donald Trump seems to have two defining characteristics: One is the proliferation of sensationalist tweets: Rocket-Man, Animal Assad, Witch Hunt, Fake News, etc. The other has been some serious policymaking, including reinforcing European security, supporting Ukraine, negotiating with North Korea, defeating ISIS, and pushing back on China. Where do we stand after 18-months of President Trump? Are we seeing a necessary and welcome reversal of President’ Obama’s retreat from American leadership? Or are we seeing a dangerous and provocative America-First belligerence? The McCain Institute presents a structured debate on this critical topic – are we heading in the right direction, or are we on the wrong track?


Daniel Vajdich
Daniel Vajdich

Non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Randy Scheunemann
Randy Scheunemann

President, Orion Strategies, US

Marie Mendras
Marie Mendras

Professor at Sciences Po University and Research Fellow with the National Centre for Scientific Research

Constanze Stelzenmüller

Director of the Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Transatlantic Relations at Brookings Institution


Susan Glasser
Susan B Glasser

Staff Writer at The New Yorker

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