
Editor-in-Chief of Arab News

Professor of International Relations at Kadir Has University

Senior Fellow at the Washington Institute

Senior Vice President at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Director of Eurasia Non-proliferation Program at James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies

International Correspondent, German weekly DIE ZEIT
How do countries in the Middle East perceive the US role in their region? What are Russia’s interests and actions and how have these changed since the beginning of the war in Ukraine? How will Turkey navigate the complex political relations and security concerns it has in the region? Does the relationship between Russia and Iran have a sound strategic basis, or is it a temporary marriage of convenience? How will the war in Syria be affected by the changing international positions and behaviour of Russia and the west?
“All men dream: but not equally.”
T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926)