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LMC 2022

Here I Am: Europe’s Place in the World

Scorpions, Send Me An Angel [1990]

Before it could be agreed in March, the draft of the European Strategic Compass for Security and Defence was substantially rewritten to reflect Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In the document, all Member States agreed a common threat assessment for the first time and supported the key message that Europe needs to learn the language of power and become a stronger global partner, including by strengthening its capacity for rapid military response.


Justyna Gotkowska

Programme Coordinator, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

Edward Lucas

Non-Resident Senior Fellow and Senior Adviser at CEPA

Claudia Major

Head of the International Security Research Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Ana Isabel Xavier

Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Defence of Portugal


Charly Salonius-Pasternak

Leading Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

  • With the vision set out in the Compass, what does the EU bring to the table?
  • How realistic, politically and economically, is its promise to deliver military rapid reaction capability?
  • To what extent can the EU undertake military crisis management while its Member States increasingly turn their attentions to defence?
  • Do NATO and the EU have a common perception of how to deal with the threats they both recognise?
  • Can they agree on a division of responsibility? Is there a role for the UK in Europe’s defence efforts?

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