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LMC 2021

Nam Tua res Agitur, Paries cum Proximus Ardet (Horace): My Neighbour’s Problem Today – Mine Tomorrow

The title of the conference and opening panel was inspired by a saying of the poet, Horace – Nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet (You too are in danger, when your neighbour’s house is on fire).


Kaja Kallas

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission

Yascha Mounk
Yascha Mounk

Associate Professor of Practice, Johns Hopkins University, US

Margaritis Schinas
Margaritis Schinas

Vice President of the European Commission

Vikas Swarup
Vikas Swarup

Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of India


Frank Gardner

Security Correspondent at BBC

The urge to isolate in a small capsule—be it a nation, country, religion, or ideology—and to try to ignore the approaching fires outside is more widespread than was perhaps expected in the more optimistic times when the Berlin Wall fell. COVID-19 has demonstrated that we tend to act instinctively, and not necessarily rationally, when facing a crisis.

  • Can global concerns be avoided by staying at home?
  • How can shutting the state’s border be a solution, when there are problems that do not care about nation states’ borders, be it pandemic, migration or climate change?
  • What are the lessons of the pandemic for states and for the wider international community?

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