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LMC 2024: Let Us Not Despair, But Act

A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed – Who Provides Russia Weapons and Technology?

Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU, the UK, and the US together with their Allies have imposed sanctions and export controls on Russia aimed at disrupting its military supply chains. Nevertheless, Russia has proved unexpectedly resilient to these measures and the supply of advanced technology components has returned to prewar levels. The Kremlin clearly has friends who are willing to help circumvent the sanctions. Who is supporting Russia with weapons and technology? Why have there been no ramifications for sanctions evasion for intermediaries or those directly supplying them with weapons?


Marshall Billingslea

Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Seth G Jones

Senior Vice President at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Hanna Notte

Director of Eurasia Non-proliferation Program at James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies

Samuel Ramani 

Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute 


Hiroyuki Akita

Commentator at Nikkei