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LMC 2021

Inimicus ab Intra: Enemy from Within – Domestic Terrorism and Extremism

The pandemic has further atomised societies, emphasised social differences, and given rise to more extremism and domestic terrorism.


Patrick Calvar
Patrick Calvar

Founding Partner, C-Conseil

JJ Green
J.J. Green

National Security Correspondent at WTOP 

Gustaf Göthberg

Project Manager, Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation

Anton Shekhovtsov

Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity


Milena Lazarević

Programme Director and Co-Founder, European Policy Centre

In the US, Germany, Austria, and elsewhere, officials responsible for defending statehood and government have, instead, plotted against it. Political Islam is a growing problem in the EU, while white supremacy is spreading in the US. Organised into militia groups, citizens of democratic states are actively fighting against democracy. While primarily domestic these problems affect relations inside the EU and across the Atlantic.

  • Can we solve them by civic engagement, or do we need other means?
  • Is more international coordination needed, in the EU and with others, to fight domestic terrorism and extremism?
  • What should be the messages and strategy of the liberal world?