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LMC 2019

Stepping on the Gas: Future of the Blue Fuel Market and Energy Security in Estonia

The report considers the trends in natural gas sector and their implications to Estonia. It puts forward a number of recommendations on how to create and sustain the conditions necessary for efficient gas market and for improved energy security in Estonia.


Alan Riley
Alan Riley

Visiting Professor at the College of Europe 

Andrei V. Belyi

Adjunct Professor of at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law of the University of Eastern Finland

The Baltic region is making a significant progress in developing functioning regional natural gas market, expanding and integrating the related infrastructure, and ensuring the security of supply. However, there are multiple factors—at the national, regional, European and even global levels—that prevent this from becoming an ideal market capable of delivering greater security at a reasonable cost. Liquidity of the market is low due to falling consumption; state aid and state participation in energy enterprises disincentives private investments, diminish competition and distort market conditions, while geopolitical tensions between the West and Russia add further complications.

The report will be presented by its author, Andrei V. Belyi, Adjunct Professor of at the Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), and will be commented by Alan Riley, Professor of Law at the City Law School, City University, London.

The report is available for downloading and reading here.

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