
Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo

Associate Professor, University of Tromsø, Norway

Professor, Loughborough University, UK

Associate Editor, Over the Circle

Ambassador of Estonia to Georgia and Armenia
Broad cooperation between many partners is needed to protect this environment, but the Arctic states have rejected the increased engagement of the EU and its members. At the same time, the Arctic has become a new venue for great power competition, including in the security and military realms. Russia is stepping up military activities, the US is increasingly securitising its Arctic policy, and China is determined to defend its economic investments—the big three will likely continue to compete in the Arctic.
- What does the future hold for the Arctic region? Can cooperation grow and prevent a major confrontation in the High North?
- What can we expect from Russia’s two-year presidency of the Arctic Council?
- Should NATO to be more concerned and demand a more active role?