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17-19 May

One Past, Many Futures

Lennart Meri said that, “Europe has one past, but an infinite number of futures.” The recent past has undoubtedly been tumultuous and the immediate future looks set to follow a similar pattern. But nothing is pre-destined. We must do all we can to shape these many futures into a positive common past.

Conference Summary


Lennart Meri once said: “Politics is a factory producing the future”. The Lennart Meri Conference (LMC) 2019 tried to peep into the future and also, in some context, to shape it. One thing was pretty obvious from the first hour of the conference: the topic of China is here to stay.

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Kersti Kaljulaid

President of Estonia 2016-2021, global advocate of the UN Secretary-General for Every Woman Every Child

Ursula von der Leyen

President of the European Commission

Marshall Billingslea

Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Thomas Bagger

Ambassador of Germany in Poland

Oliver Bullough

Journalist and author, UK

Camille Grand

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment

Constanze Stelzenmüller

Director of the Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Transatlantic Relations at Brookings Institution

Ekaterina Schulmann

Associate Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
Conference Agenda

Agenda and recordings

To view video recordings of the discussions click on public panels not restricted by the Chatham House Rule.

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Said at LMC 2019


Analyses, commentaries and interviews that decode foreign, security and defence policy trends and published in the Lennart Meri Conference special edition of ICDS Diplomaatia magazine.

Moscow and Swedish NATO Accession

Russia’s geopolitical goals, its overall confrontation with the west, and its war against Ukraine will continue to be key to dimensioning Moscow’s military planning. Its rhetoric and threats are, however, what Russia has left in its arsenal to deter Sweden.

LMC 2024: Let Us Not Despair, But Act

Russian Intelligence and Western Counterintelligence

The recent surge in cases across the west relating to Russian intelligence activities is a bitter reminder — lest anyone should think otherwise — that the Russian intelligence community remains highly active, the country’s challenges in Ukraine notwithstanding.

LMC 2024: Let Us Not Despair, But Act

The Axis of Upheaval: How the Convergence of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea Will Challenge the US and Europe

One of President Putin’s many miscalculations in his decision to invade Ukraine was his underestimation of the west’s response. Indeed, the US and Europe outperformed what many in the west themselves thought was possible in the run-up to the war. Russia’s aggression set in motion…

LMC 2024: Let Us Not Despair, But Act