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LMC 2016


Omar Al-Shahery

Regional Team Lead in North Africa for Aktis Strategy, Consultant to the US Government

Sergey Aleksashenko

Non-resident Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development, Brookings

Leila Alieva

Affiliate of Russian and East European Studies at Oxford University School for Global and Area Studies

Josh Arnold-Forster

Political Consultant, Former Special Adviser to the UK Minister of Defence
Anna Arutunyan

Anna Arutunyan

Senior Analyst, International Crisis Group, Russia
Dr Anders Åslund portrait

Anders Åslund

Resident Senior Fellow in the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council

Thomas Bagger

Ambassador of Germany in Poland

David Bakradze

State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Fabio Belafatti

Lecturer, Coordinator of Centre of Contemporary Central Asian Studies

Noman Benotman

President Quilliam Foundation

Carl Bildt

Co-chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations

Matthew Bryza

Chief Executive Officer, Lamor Turkey

Ian Brzezinski

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, USA

Vincenzo Camporini

Vice President of IAI

Michael Carpenter

Ambassador, U.S. Mission to the OSCE

Judy Dempsey

Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe

Harlem Désir

Minister of State for European Affairs of the Republic of France

Jill Dougherty

Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University
Etienne de Durand

Etienne de Durand

Deputy for Defence Policy and Strategic Foresight, Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy, Ministry of Defence, France

Konstantin von Eggert

Commentator and Host, TV Dozhd (TV Rain)

Steven Erlanger

Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Europe at The New York Times

Philippe Errera

Director General for Political and Security Affairs, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France

Daniel Fried

Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council
Mark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti

Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI

Masha Gessen

Staff Writer, The New Yorker

Richard Giragosian

Director of the Regional Studies Center

Yalda Hakim

Anchor and Correspondent, BBC

Hannes Hanso

Minister of Defence of Estonia

Fiona Hill

Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Foundation and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution

Frederick Hodges

Commanding General, US Army in Europe

Peter Hultqvist

Minister of Defence, Sweden

Andrei Illarionov

Senior Fellow, Cato Institute

Jaakko Iloniemi

Former Ambassador of Finland to the United States
Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Toomas Hendrik Ilves

President of Estonia (2006–2016)

Ieva Ilves

Head of National Cyber Security Policy Section, Latvian Ministry of Defence

Sir Garry Johnson

Chairman of the International Security Advisory Board

Marina Kaljurand

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vice Chairman, Open Russia Movement, Russia
Riina Kionka

Riina Kionka

Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to European Council President Donald Tusk

Einari Kisel

Regional Manager for Europe at World Energy Council
Michael Köhler

Michael Köhler

Director for Neighbourhood South at the Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

Erka Koivunen

Cyber Security Advisor, F-Secure Corporation

Andrey Kortunov

Director General, Russian International Affairs Council

Selim Koru

Analyst, Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)

David J. Kramer

Managing Director, Global Policy, George W. Bush Presidential Center

Ivan Krastev

Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies
Alexey Levinson

Alexey Levinson

Head of the Socio-Cultural Research Department at Levada Center
Kadri Liik

Kadri Liik

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Jarno Limnéll

Professor of Cyber Security, Aalto University
Linas Linkevicius

Linas Linkevičius

Ambassador-at-large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

John Lough

Associate Fellow, Chatham House

Jawed Ludin

CEO, Mithra Associates LLC, Former Chief of Staff of President Karzai

Jüri Luik

Estonian Ambassador to NATO

Oleksii Makeiev

Political Director, Directorate General for Policy and Communications, Ukrainian MFA

Suadad Nabil Najim

Counsellor, Head of the European Organisations and Institutions Division, European

Ben Nimmo

Senior Fellow, the Institute for Statecraft / non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council of the US

Natalie Nougayrède

Journalist, adviser to the School of Civic Education, former member of The Guardian editorial board

Tom Nuttall

Berlin Bureau Chief, The Economist

Leigh O’Neill

Managing Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs, Truman National Security Project

Artis Pabriks

Deputy Prime Minister for Comprehensive Defence, Minister of Defence of Latvia

Sally Painter

Co-Founder and COO, Blue Star Strategies, LLC

Risto Penttilä

CEO, Finnish Chamber of Commerce

Ruprecht Polenz

President of the German Association for East European Studies
Peter Pomeranzev

Peter Pomeranzev

Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of Global Affairs at the London School of Economics, Author, TV producer

Jerzy Pomianowski

Executive Director, European Endowment for Democracy

Ilya Ponomarev

Member of Parliament, State Duma – Russian Parliament

Ahmed Rashid

Journalist, Writer

Tomas Ries

Senior Lecturer at the National Defence College
Alan Riley

Alan Riley

Visiting Professor at the College of Europe 
Edgars Rinkevics

Edgars Rinkēvičs

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia

Taavi Rõivas

Prime Minister of Estonia

Janis Sārts

Director of NATO StratCom COE, Riga

Robert Scher

Assistant Secretary of Defence for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities, Department of Defence, The United States of America

John R. Schindler

Managing Director, Locarno Group
Harinder Sekhon

Harinder Sekhon

Distinguished Fellow, CUTS International, Washington D.C. Centre

Anton Shekhovtsov

Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity

James Sherr

Senior Fellow, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the ICDS

Lilia Shevtsova

Non-resident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, Chatham House

Radosław Sikorski

Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland

Vladimir Socor

Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation, in Washington

Andrei Soldatov

Editor of

Constanze Stelzenmüller

Director of the Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Transatlantic Relations at the Brookings Institute

Sylke Temple

Editor in Chief, Berlin Policy Journal, German Council on Foreign Relations

Frans Timmermans

First Vice President of the EU Commission

Vygaudas Ušackas

Ambassador of the EU to the Russian Federation
Daniel Vajdich

Daniel Vajdich

Non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Alexander Vershbow

Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center on Strategy and Security

Kurt Volker

Distinguished Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis

Witold Waszczykowski

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland

Michael Weiss

Editor of The Insider