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LMC 2019


James H. Anderson

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities, U.S. Department of Defense

Ali Aslan

International TV Presenter and Journalist
Dr Anders Åslund portrait

Anders Åslund

Resident Senior Fellow in the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council

Pavel Baev

Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo

Michał Baranowski

Managing Director of the German Marshall Fund East

Marshall S Billingslea

Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Matthew Bryza

Chief Executive Officer, Lamor Turkey

Ian Brzezinski

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, USA

Oliver Bullough

Journalist and author, UK

Scott Carpenter

Managing Director of Jigsaw

Yang Cheng

Professor of International Relations and director of the Eurasian Studies Unit of Shanghai International Studies University

Dean Cheng

Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation

Iulian Chifu

State Counsellor of the Romanian Prime Minister

Sławomir Dębski

Director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs

Solvita Denisa-Liepniece

Assistant Professor, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Nikola Dimitrov

Former Foreign Minister of North Macedonia

Jill Dougherty

Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University

Kimberly Dozier

Global Affairs Analyst at CNN

Eeva Eek-Pajuste

Former Director of the Lennart Meri Conference

Rachel Ellehuus

Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of Europe Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C.

Theresa Fallon

Director, Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies

Ulrike Franke

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Mark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti

Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI

Masha Gessen

Staff Writer, The New Yorker

Gustaf Göthberg

Project Manager, Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff

Deputy Chair of Free Democrats (FDP), German Bundestag

Camille Grand

Distinguished Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Agnia Grigas

Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council
Sanem Güner

Sanem Güner

Assistant Director of the Hollings Center for International Dialogue

Ardo Hansson

Governor of Eesti Pank, Estonia

François Heisbourg

Special Advisor at the Paris Foundation Pour la Recherche Stratégique

Peter Hultqvist

Minister of Defence, Sweden

Kersti Kaljulaid

President of Estonia 2016-2021, global advocate of the UN Secretary-General for Every Woman Every Child
Riina Kaljurand2

Riina Kaljurand

Ambassador of Estonia to Georgia and Armenia

Andrea Kendall-Taylor

Senior Fellow and Director with the Transatlantic Security Program at the Center for a New American Security 

Olexandr Khara

Director for Multilateral Diplomacy at Maidan of Foreign Affairs
Riina Kionka

Riina Kionka

Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to European Council President Donald Tusk

Einari Kisel

Regional Manager for Europe at World Energy Council

Jana Kobzová

Foreign Policy Advisor, Office of the President of Slovakia

Wojciech Konończuk

Head of Department for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw

Andrey Kortunov

Director General, Russian International Affairs Council

David J. Kramer

Managing Director, Global Policy, George W. Bush Presidential Center

Oleg Kravchenko

Deputy Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belarus

Ulrich Kühn

Deputy Head, IFAR, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg

Miroslav Lajčák

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovakia
Alexey Levinson

Alexey Levinson

Head of the Socio-Cultural Research Department at Levada Center
Kadri Liik

Kadri Liik

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Julian Lindley-French

Senior Fellow, The Institute for Statecraft, London

Bobo Lo

Independent International Relations Analyst

Akilnathan Logeswaran

Digital Ambassador, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Germany

Edward Lucas

Senior Advisor at Center for European Policy Analysis

Jüri Luik

Estonian Ambassador to NATO

Matti Maasikas

Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine

Giampiero Massolo

President of Italian Institute for International Political Studies

Andrew A. Michta

Dean of the College of International and Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies
Jelena Milic

Jelena Milić

Director and Chairman of the Governing Board at the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS)

Iztok Mirošič

Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia

Christian Mölling

Research Director, German Council on Foreign Relations

Molly Montgomery

Vice President, Europe Practice, Albright Stonebridge Group, USA

Zhanna Nemtsova

Co-Founder of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom and Co-Director of the Boris Nemtsov Academic Centre for the Study of Russia at Charles University

Gerlinde Niehus

Head Engagements Section at NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division

Natalie Nougayrède

Journalist, adviser to the School of Civic Education, former member of The Guardian editorial board

Tom Nuttall

Berlin Bureau Chief, The Economist

Olga Oliker

Director of the Europe and Central Asia Program at the International Crisis Group

Artis Pabriks

Deputy Prime Minister for Comprehensive Defence, Minister of Defence of Latvia

Michael Peel

European Diplomatic Correspondent of The Financial Times

Alina Polyakova

President and CEO, CEPA

Ahmed Rashid

Journalist, Writer
Alan Riley

Alan Riley

Visiting Professor at the College of Europe 
Sven Sakkov

Sven Sakkov

Director of the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)

Nils Schmid

Member of the German Bundestag

Christian Schmidt

Member of the Bundestag, Germany

Anton Shekhovtsov

Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity

James Sherr

Senior Fellow, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the ICDS

Joseph M Siracusa

Dean of Global Futures at Curtin University

Arseni Sivitski

Co-Founder and Director of Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies

Constanze Stelzenmüller

Director of the Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Transatlantic Relations at the Brookings Institute
Dmitry Suslov

Dmitry Suslov

Deputy Director, Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, National Research University – High School of Economics, Russia

Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh

Professor of Human Security at the Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Paris)

Szabolcs Takács

Minister of State for EU Policies, Prime Minister’s Office, Hungary

Torrey Taussig

Nonresident fellow in the Brookings Institution Foreign Policy program’s Center on the United States and Europe

Jan Techau

Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States

Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar

Ambassador at Large for Cyber Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia

Leonid Volkov

Founder, Internet Protection Society, Moscow

Ursula von der Leyen

President of the European Commission

Andrew Wilson

Senior Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
Ana Paula Zacarias

Ana Paula Zacarias

Secretary of State for European Affairs of Portugal

Galyna Zelenko

Head of Department at Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Science

Salome Zourabichvili

President of Georgia