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LMC 2022


Ali Alavi

School of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics – SOAS, University of London

HRH Prince Turki AlFaisal AlSaud

Founder and Trustee of the King Faisal Foundation and Chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies
Kaush Arha

Kaush Arha

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Anton Barbashin

Co-founder and an Editorial Director at Riddle Russia

Alain Bécoulet

Head of Engineering, ITER Organisation

Mia Bennett

Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Rob Bertholee

Rob Bertholee

Strategic Advisor, Kantoor 07

Mehdi Beyad

Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS, University of London

Carl Bildt

Co-chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations

Marshall Billingslea

Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Steven Blockmans

Director Of Research at the Centre for European Policy Studies
Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Director of Foreign Policy, Centre for European Reform

Piotr Buras

Senior Policy Fellow and Head of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Warsaw

Aziz Burkhanov

Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy at Nazarbayev University

Eto Buziashvili

Researcher at the Atlantic Council

Michael Carpenter

Ambassador, U.S. Mission to the OSCE

Iulian Chifu

State Counsellor of the Romanian Prime Minister
Lolita Cigane

Lolita Čigāne

International Consultant, Various

Steve Clemons

Founding Editor at Large of Semafor

James Cleverly

Minister of State, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

Ondřej Ditrych

Director, Institute of International Relations Prague

Roman Dobrokhotov

Editor-in-Chief of The Insider

Jill Dougherty

Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University

Andrzej Duda

President of Poland

Tobias Ellwood

MP, Chair of the UK House of Commons Defence Select Committee

Steven Erlanger

Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Europe at The New York Times

Daniel Fried

Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council

Lykke Friis

Director, Think Tank Europa

Alisa Ganieva

Writer, civil activist, Moscow PEN Member

Frank Gardner

Security Correspondent at BBC

Katja Geršak

Executive Director, Centre for European Perspective

Masha Gessen

Staff Writer, The New Yorker

Bonnie S. Glaser

Director of the Asia Program, German Marshall Fund of the United States

Justyna Gotkowska

Programme Coordinator, Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW)

Camille Grand

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment

Charles Grant

Director of the Centre for European Reform
JJ Green

J.J. Green

National Security Correspondent at WTOP 

Christo Grozev

Lead Investigator at The Insider

Avril Haines

Director, National Intelligence of the United States

Flemming Splidsboel Hansen

Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies

François Heisbourg

Senior Advisor, International Institute for Strategic Studies

Ben Hodges

Former Commander of US Army Europe, FBH Geostrat Consulting GmbH 
Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Toomas Hendrik Ilves

President of Estonia (2006–2016)

Kaja Kallas

Prime Minister of Estonia
Indrek Kannik

Indrek Kannik

Director, International Centre for Defence and Security

Alar Karis

President of Estonia

Natasha Kassam

Director, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, Lowy Institute

Jyrki Katainen

President, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

Toivo Klaar

Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia, European Union

Jeppe Kofod

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

David J. Kramer

Managing Director, Global Policy, George W. Bush Presidential Center

Ivan Krastev

Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies

Piotr Krawczyk

Head of Service, the Foreign Intelligence Agency of Poland
Hans Kundnani

Hans Kundnani

Head of Europe Programme, Chatham House

Kalle Laanet

Minister of Defence of Estonia

Norbert Lammert

Chairman, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Isabelle Lasserre

Deputy Editor at the International Desk, Le Figaro

Jörg Lau

International Correspondent, German weekly DIE ZEIT

Milena Lazarević

Programme Director and Co-Founder, European Policy Centre
Alexey Levinson

Alexey Levinson

Head of the Socio-Cultural Research Department at Levada Center
Kadri Liik

Kadri Liik

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Eva-Maria Liimets

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Tobias Lindner

Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office
Linas Linkevicius

Linas Linkevičius

Ambassador-at-large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

Jan Lipavský

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Bobo Lo

Independent International Relations Analyst

André Loesekrug-Pietri

Chairman, Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European ARPA

Edward Lucas

Non-Resident Senior Fellow and Senior Adviser at CEPA

Jüri Luik

Estonian Ambassador to NATO

Orysia Lutsevych

Head of Ukraine Forum, Chatham House

Matti Maasikas

Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine

Claudia Major

Head of the International Security Research Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Koichiro Matsumoto

Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Affairs, Prime Minister's Office of Japan

Sergei Medvedev

Professor, Moscow Free University

Roberta Metsola

President of the European Parliament

Chilamkuri Raja Mohan

Senior Fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute

Eng Hen Ng

Minister for Defence, Republic of Singapore

Milan Nič

Senior Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations

Thomas O'Donnell

Energy & Geopolitical Expert

Olga Oliker

Director of the Europe and Central Asia Program at the International Crisis Group

Artis Pabriks

Deputy Prime Minister for Comprehensive Defence, Minister of Defence of Latvia

Alina Polyakova

President and CEO, CEPA

Mirzokhid Rakhimov

Head of Department of the Contemporary History Center, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
Boris Rüge

Boris Ruge

Vice Chairman, Munich Security Conference

Charly Salonius-Pasternak

Leading Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Salome Samadashvili

Member of Parliament, Georgia

Siddharth Shanker Saxena

Director of Cambridge Central Asia Forum, University of Cambridge

Teri Schultz

Independent Reporter

Oleg Serebrian

Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova

Anton Shekhovtsov

Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity

Hanna Shelest

Director of Security Programmes, Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”
Artyom Shraibman

Artyom Shraibman

Political Analyst and Founder of Sense Analytics

Kyllike Sillaste-Elling

Director General of the Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

Arseny Sivitsky

Director, Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies

Andrei Soldatov

Editor of

Olha Stefanishyna

(Participating virtually) Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine

Nicolas Tenzer

Chairman, Centre for Study and Reseach on Political Decision

Nathalie Tocci

Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali

Elina Valtonen

Member of the Finnish Parliament and Vice-Chair of the National Coalition Party

Pierre Vimont

Senior Fellow at Carnegie Europe

Justin Vogt

Executive Editor at Foreign Affairs Magazine

David Vseviov

Professor Emeritus at the Estonian Academy of Arts

Jonatan Vseviov

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Celeste Wallander

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy

Geir Westgaard

Senior Adviser for Global External Analysis at Equinor

Anna Wieslander

Director for Northern Europe at the Atlantic Council and Secretary General of the Swedish Defence Association

Damon Wilson

President and CEO, National Endowment for Democracy

Ana Isabel Xavier

Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Defence of Portugal

Yevgeniy Zhovtis

Director, Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law