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LMC 2018


Anna Arutunyan

Anna Arutunyan

Senior Analyst, International Crisis Group, Russia

Ali Aslan

International TV Presenter and Journalist
Dr Anders Åslund portrait

Anders Åslund

Resident Senior Fellow in the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council
Mustafa Aydın

Mustafa Aydin

Professor of International Relations at Kadir Has University
José Alberto Azeredo Lopes

José Alberto Azeredo Lopes

Minister of Defence, Portugal

Pavel Baev

Research Professor at the Peace Research Institute Oslo

Espen Barth Eide

Member of the Parliament, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Carl Bildt

Co-chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations

Christian Caryl

Op-ed Editor/International, The Washington Post
Lolita Cigane

Lolita Čigāne

International Consultant, Various

Jill Dougherty

Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University
Etienne de Durand

Etienne de Durand

Deputy for Defence Policy and Strategic Foresight, Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy, Ministry of Defence, France

Uffe Ellemann-Jensen

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Steven Erlanger

Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Europe at The New York Times

Theresa Fallon

Director, Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies

Ulrike Franke

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations

Roland Freudenstein

Policy Director, Marten’s Centre, Brussels
Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven

Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven

Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security, NATO
Mark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti

Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI
Susan Glasser

Susan B Glasser

Staff Writer at The New Yorker

Nathalie Goulet

Member of the French Senate
Nik Gowing

Nik Gowing

Co-author, Thinking the Unthinkable, UK

Niklas Granholm

Deputy director of studies at FOI, the Swedish Defence Research Agency, Division for Defence Analysis
Sir Chris Harper

Christopher Harper

Managing Director of CH4C Global Ltd

François Heisbourg

Senior Advisor, International Institute for Strategic Studies

Jerker Hellström

Head of the Asia and Middle East Programme at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
Kasper Hoeg-Jensen

Kasper Høeg-Jensen

Defence Policy Director at the Danish Ministry of Defence
Hanna Hopko

Hanna Hopko

Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Ukrainian Parliament

Robert Huebert

Associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary.
Balázs Jarábik

Balázs Jarábik

Non-resident Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA
Jakub Kalensky

Jakub Kalenský

East StratCom Task Force member at the European External Action Service

Kersti Kaljulaid

President of Estonia 2016-2021, global advocate of the UN Secretary-General for Every Woman Every Child
Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vladimir Kara-Murza

Vice Chairman, Open Russia Movement, Russia
Robert Story Karem

Robert Karem

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, US Department of Defense
Lucas Kello

Lucas Kello

Associate Professor of International Relations at Oxford University
Caroline Kennedy-Pipe

Caroline Kennedy-Pipe

Professor, Loughborough University, UK
Riina Kionka

Riina Kionka

Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to European Council President Donald Tusk
Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff

Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff

Vice President and Executive Director, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Berlin Office
Michael Köhler

Michael Köhler

Director for Neighbourhood South at the Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

Mikhail Korchemkin

The founder and managing director of East European Gas Analysis

David J. Kramer

Managing Director, Global Policy, George W. Bush Presidential Center
Barbara Kunz

Barbara Kunz

Research Fellow at the French Institute of International Relations

François Lafond

Special Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister of European Affairs, Government of Macedonia

Isabelle Lasserre

Deputy Editor at the International Desk, Le Figaro
Alexey Levinson

Alexey Levinson

Head of the Socio-Cultural Research Department at Levada Center
Kadri Liik

Kadri Liik

Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Vivian Loonela

Vivian Loonela

Coordinating Spokesperson for the European Green Deal, European Commission

Edward Lucas

Non-Resident Senior Fellow and Senior Adviser at CEPA

Jüri Luik

Estonian Ambassador to NATO

Matti Maasikas

Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine

Claudia Major

Head of the International Security Research Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Maria Martin-Prat

Director in the European Commission Directorate General for Trade: Services, Investment, Intellectual Property and Public Procurement

Damien McGuinness

BBC, Berlin Correspondent
Marie Mendras

Marie Mendras

Professor at Sciences Po University and Research Fellow with the National Centre for Scientific Research

Ia Meurmishvili Volker

Senior Editor, Voice of America’s Georgian Service

Andrew A. Michta

Dean of the College of International and Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

Sven Mikser

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Estonia
Jelena Milic

Jelena Milić

Director and Chairman of the Governing Board at the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS)
Elisabeth Millard

Elisabeth Millard

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

Daniel Mitov

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria (2014-2017)

Daniel Moore

PhD candidate, King's College London, and Security Principal, Accenture iDefense

Natalie Nougayrède

Journalist, adviser to the School of Civic Education, former member of The Guardian editorial board

Tom Nuttall

Berlin Bureau Chief, The Economist

Olga Oliker

Director of the Europe and Central Asia Program at the International Crisis Group

Quentin Peel

Journalist and Researcher
David Pendall

David Pendall

Deputy Chief of Staff, US Army Europe
Giuseppe Perrone

Giuseppe Perrone

Ambassador of Italy to Libya
David Petraeus

David H. Petraeus

Chairman, KKR Global Institute, KKR New York
Tengiz Pkhaladze

Tengiz Pkhakaladze

Advisor to the President of Georgia, Foreign Relations Secretary

Alina Polyakova

President and CEO, CEPA

Jana Puglierin

Senior Policy Fellow and the Head of the Berlin office, European Council on Foreign Relations

Ahmed Rashid

Journalist, Writer
Jüri Ratas

Jüri Ratas

Prime Minister of Estonia

Tomas Ries

Senior Lecturer at the National Defence College
Alan Riley

Alan Riley

Visiting Professor at the College of Europe 
Sven Sakkov

Sven Sakkov

Director of the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)

Charly Salonius-Pasternak

Leading Researcher, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Randy Scheunemann

Randy Scheunemann

President, Orion Strategies, US

Benjamin L. Schmitt

European Energy Security Advisor, Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State

Brenda Shaffer

Senior Fellow, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council

Anton Shekhovtsov

Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity

James Sherr

Senior Fellow, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the ICDS
Yuri Slezkine

Yuri Slezkine

Jane K. Sather Professor of History, University of Cailfornia Berkeley, Russia

Andrei Soldatov

Editor of

Constanze Stelzenmüller

Director of the Center on the United States and Europe and Fritz Stern Chair on Germany and Transatlantic Relations at Brookings Institution
Konrad Szymanski

Konrad Szymański

Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland
Marek Tamm

Marek Tamm

Professor of Cultural History, Tallinn University, Estonia

Jan Techau

Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States
Adam Thomson

Adam Thomson

Director of the European Leadership Network, UK
Dmitri Trenin

Dmitri Trenin

Director, Expert Council Chair, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Russia

Sergey Utkin

Associate Professor for International Politics at the Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark
Daniel Vajdich

Daniel Vajdich

Non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Tomáš Valášek

Tomáš Valášek

Director, Carnegie Europe, Brussels
Alexander Van der Bellen

Alexander Van der Bellen

President of Austria

Alexander Vershbow

Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center on Strategy and Security

Jean-Arnold Vinois

Advisor of European Energy Policy, Jacque Delors Institute

Kurt Volker

Distinguished Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis

Jonatan Vseviov

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Mariam Wardak

Mariam Wardak

Advisor, Office of the National Security Council, Afghanistan

Anna Wieslander

Director for Northern Europe at the Atlantic Council and Secretary General of the Swedish Defence Association
Tomonori Yoshizaki

Tomonori Yoshizaki

Director of Policy Simulation at the National Institute of Defense Studies of Japan

Lamberto Zannier

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities